Building and Supporting Strong

Communities of Faith

Featured Video

The Beatitudes

Wherever you are, whoever you are, The Episcopal Church welcomes you.

MATTHEW 5: 1-12


Who We Are

Episcopal Diocese of Maine

We are more than 10,000 people in 57 churches and ministries across Maine. We seek to build and support strong communities of faith for God’s mission. We strive to be good stewards of the natural beauty where we live and work. We are called to welcome and serve all people in our midst. Let us show you who we are.

Who We Are

Social Justice & Advocacy

We are working toward justice and peace for all people, and public policies that respect the dignity of every human being, both in the state of Maine, the United States, and the world.

Social Justice 


The Episcopal Diocese of Maine participates in creative, energizing worship to praise and thank God, to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and to pray for ourselves and others. We gather as Jesus invited us, around a community table with bread and wine, to celebrate His risen presence and to be renewed and strengthened for the work God gives us to do.

About Worship